President-elect Donald Trump isn’t just appointing incompetent buffoons to his Cabinet, but deeply immoral individuals who are completely lacking in family values.
Supreme Court
Video: Protester Interrupts US Supreme Court
“I rise on behalf of the majority of the American people, who believe that money is not speech, corporations are not people, and our democracy should not be for sale to the highest bidder. Overturn Citizens United. Keep the cap in McCutcheon.
Unprecedented Interruption of Supreme Court Proceedings
Highlighting Erosion of Free Speech, Kai Newkirk of 99Rise crashed the Supreme Court, and got arrested for it.
What To Do About Surveillance and the FISA Court?
If we settle for merely feel-good reforms to FISA and security state overreach, there is a clear and present danger of another big scandal whenever the next Snowden blows the whistle.
In Week of Major Supreme Court Rulings, Remember: Most of Our Justices Are Millionaires
At least five and perhaps as many as eight of the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court are millionaires according to recently released financial disclosures, and only two hold any consumer debt.
Voting Rights Act, Section 4, Struck Down By Supreme Court
The Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act Tuesday, altering the landmark civil rights law that designates federal oversight of voting rights in Southern states.
Supreme Court Rules That Police Can Take Your DNA Even If You Haven't Been Convicted of a Crime
The nation's highest court ruled today that the police have the power to take DNA samples from people arrested for a crime.
The Liberal Narrative Is Broken, and Only Populism Can Fix It
The left dare not answer conservatives by simply saying government is good. Instead, it must make special interests a rallying cry.
Genetically Modified Justice: Why the Supreme Court Ruled for Monsanto
Farmers must pay Monsanto each time they plant the company’s genetically modified soybeans, the Supreme Court ruled this week, rejecting an Indiana farmer’s argument that his unorthodox techniques did not violate the company’s patent.
Corporations in the Fast Lane
If a corporation is a person, and if people own corporations, then that means people are commodities. And our constitution explicitly says that no one person can own another person.
Operation Green Jobs: Join the 150-mile March to DC
An upcoming action is simultaneously taking on the unemployment crisis, the climate crisis, and the corporate corruption of Congress all at once. And it needs your support.