The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Texas Coffee Worker Strike Continues As Employees Refuse Massive Pay Cuts
Roughly 90% of workers at Maximus Coffee Group in Houston have been on strike for the past month to protest deep wage cuts.
Exclusive: Denmark Announces 61% Tax on Oil Companies to Fund Clean Rail Project
A plan to massively tax oil companies drilling in Denmark's North Sea has caused some global firms to threaten to take business elsewhere. Meanwhile, Denmark stands to win big, using the funds to build a new, clean, $5.2 billion high-speed rail system.
Ellen Brown: The Bank Guarantee That Bankrupted Ireland
After five years of belt-tightening, the Irish people are realizing that their assets are paying for the mistakes of the financial sector.
Two Years After Being Shot at Occupy Oakland, Vet Scott Olsen is Healing — and Suing
Olsen, who suffered a fractured skull and lasting brain trauma when he was hit by a bean bag round shot by police during a volatile protest at Occupy Oakland, awaits a settlement against the Oakland PD.
British Accuse David Miranda, Glenn Greenwald's Partner, Of Terrorism
British authorities claimed the domestic partner of reporter Glenn Greenwald was involved in "terrorism" when he tried to carry documents from Edward Snowden through a London airport in August.
NSA Pushed 9/11 As Key "Sound Bite" to Justify Surveillance
The National Security Agency advised its officials to cite the 9/11 attacks as justification for its mass surveillance activities.
An Israeli Granny Brigade Confronts the Palestinian Crisis At the Checkpoints
Every morning before the sun rises, an Israeli women's group of mainly retired grandmothers, called Machsom Watch, travels to the epicenter of the daily conflict between Israelis and Palestinians to monitor the checkpoints and be advocates where possible.
"Postal Protectors" Arrested in Portland for Opposing Post Office Privatization
Calling themselves “postal protectors,” activists gathered in the lobby of the main post office in Portland, Ore., last Tuesday, holding signs protesting postal privatization.
Citizens of the World, Unite! You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Data
NSA reform by the U.S. Congress overlooks the fact that the internet transcends national control. We the people must make the rules.
The Fast Track Trade Fight Is On: Here's How We Kill the TPP
It’s time to learn about TPP and fast track, and then call your member of Congress to let them know if you want them to hand the giant multinationals an end-run around democracy and national sovereignty.