The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Finland Launches Basic Income Plan, Paying Everyone $876 a Month
Finland could be the first major nation to implement the model on a universal basis.
Oligarchy Online: Why We’re Fighting the Net Neutrality Battle, Again
It's possible that the half dozen current court cases challenging net neutrality represent the most important free speech battle of the century.
Why Cops Can’t Be Trusted with Video of Shootings
We need to radically rethink how digital evidence should be handled when cops kill.
With 1.5º Target, Climate Justice Movement May Score A Surprise Win In Paris
Pressure from activists and vulnerable countries has shifted the discussion away from a 2º C target — a virtual death sentence for millions of people.
Drone News Blackout Continues As Mainstream Media Ignore Whistleblowers
In the latest example of journalistic negligence, The New York Times, Washington Post and other large news organizations have continued their apparent policy of no-bad-news-reporting-about-drones.
The Law Of Partial Pressures: Paris COP21 Is Filled with John Daltons and Few Republicans
The view of America from Paris, from Europe and most of the world reveals a once-great nation that has become a floundering token of retrograde thinking led by anti-futurism and anti-humanism.
Justice Department to Open Ferguson-Style Inquiry Into Chicago PD
U.S. attorneys will investigate whether the police department systemically engaged in constitutional violations of policing.
Could Carbon Emitters In Air and On Sea Weaken Paris Climate Deal?
The international aviation and shipping industries make up more than 5 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions – yet these sectors may escape oversight in this month's Paris deal.
Billionaire Bonanza: America's Richest 20 Own More Than Half The People
A new report, "Billionaire Bonanza: The Forbes 400 and the Rest of Us," has produced startling revelations about the growing heights of inequality in the U.S.
Exclusive: Greece's Former President of Parliament On Why Syriza Party Broke Its Pledge to the People
“They are trying to bury us – but they forget when you bury a seed it is only going to flourish,” says Zoe Konstantopoulou, the former President of Greek Parliament.